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海南景區(qū)導(dǎo)游詞 共有 66 個詞條內(nèi)容

West Island Scenic Spot

    Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hainan Island. A poet once said that “facing the sea withspring blossoms”. Today, we are going to visit West Island, a fairy land where you can experiencethe beautiful seascape and enjoy different kinds of water sports.Wes...[繼續(xù)閱讀]



    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I feel honored to accompany you during your visit.My job is to smooth your way, and care for your welfare. If you have any requirement, pleasedon’t hesitate to let me know. I’ll try my best to make your visit a pleasant...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


The Temple for Five Officials

    Good morning, everyone!I’m very glad to be your guide today. The scenicspot we are going to visit is the Temple for FiveOfficials. It is located at the road intersection of HaifuRoad and Qiongzhou Road in Haikou City. The entireconstruction area of the Te...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Luhuitou Park

    My friends, I’m very glad to be your tour guide here! Today our destination is LuhuitouPark. Before we start visiting, I’d like to briefly introduce the park to you.Located in the southwest of Luhuitou Peninsula in Sanya, Luhuitou Park looks like anEld’s ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Dongjiao Coconut Grove and Wenchang Coconut Park

    Hello, my dear friends! Before coming to Hainan, you might have learned that Hainanis nicknamed Coconut Island. The next destination we are going to visit is Coconut Village—Wenchang City. It is acknowledged that the coconuts in Wenchang take up the half ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


The Memory Garden of the Red Detachment of Women

    Dear friends, I suppose most of you have watched the movie The Red Detachment ofWomen, and you must be impressed by their revolutionary spirit. Today, we are going to visit theMemory Garden of the Red Detachment of Women in memory of the unforgettable his...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Hainan Tianya Rainforest Museum

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!Welcome to our beautiful Tianya RainforestMuseum. Firstly, I’d like to briefly introduce it. TheTianya Rainforest Museum is located in Xinglongtourism resort city of Xinglong overseas Chinese farmin Wanning City, the mid...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Xinglong Tropical Medicinal Botanical Garden

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I believe many of us couldn’t help thinking of thedifferent kinds of evergreen plants such as palm trees and coconut trees when we refer to HainanIsland. It’s beyond our imaginations that the nature also endows Hainan I...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Dongshan Ridge

    Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Todaywe will visit Dongshan Ridge which is called “thefirst ridge in Hainan”. Dongshan Ridge is located 2kilometers east of Wanning City. It is noted for itsancient stone inscriptions and many Buddhist temples,especiall...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Sun-Moon Bay

    Good morning, dear friends!Everyone knows that there is a Sun-Moon Lake in Taiwan. What surprises you more is thatthere also is a Sun-Moon Bay in Taiwan Village, Wanning City, Hainan Province. Surrounded bymountains and sea, the scenery here is so pleasan...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

圖 片
奧運手語 巴蜀玉緣 白瓷鑒定 北京賞石 豳地儺面 兵器收藏 病理組織 哺乳動物 藏文古籍 藏族裝飾 叉車維修 插花花藝 常見花卉 朝覲敦煌 車工操作 傳統(tǒng)佛像 傳統(tǒng)吉祥 傳統(tǒng)年畫 傳統(tǒng)蘇繡 傳統(tǒng)紋樣 傳統(tǒng)藝術(shù) 春蘭名品 春秋寶藏 大型真菌 地球化學(xué) 地質(zhì)巖石 電機(jī)維修 電氣安全 電子衍襯 鍛工操作 對聯(lián)集成 兒時耍貨 耳鼻咽喉 仿真花藝 紡織圖案 翡翠珍品 粉彩瓷器 佛國造像 服飾收藏 浮游硅藻 甘南名勝 隔扇門窗 古代兵器 古代佛像 古代家具 古代瓦當(dāng) 古代玉器 古典家具 古今圖書 古舊掛鐘 國寶鑒賞 國蘭鑒賞 果樹病蟲 果樹套袋 漢唐瓷器 漢文古籍 紅木雜件 琥珀昆蟲 環(huán)境花藝 皇朝禮器 繪畫收藏 蕙蘭名品 婚慶花藝 雞病診斷 績麻文化 吉祥圖案 家電維修 家庭花藝 建筑設(shè)計 節(jié)慶花藝 金銅佛像 近代碑帖 近代名人 精品瓷壺 頸椎外科 蘭花名品 老版本書 梨新品種 禮儀花藝 李新品種 歷代瓷片 歷代繪畫 糧票寶鑒 兩棲動物 靈壁石譜 龍南圍屋 洛陽匾額 民國瓷器 民國家具 民國建筑 民國珍刊 民間瓷器 民間刺繡 民間荷包 民間花盆 民間剪紙 民間面花 民間面具 民間木雕 民間器具 民間玉器 民間枕頂 民居建筑 名畫鑒賞 名畫全集 名優(yōu)綠茶 明清瓷器 明式家具 桃新品種 體壇金牌 天津通志