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管理學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 9 2018-08-21
摘要: 構(gòu)建中立、競爭與合作3種同質(zhì)雙代理人模型,分析最優(yōu)解與參數(shù)之間的變化關(guān)系,并對比得各模型的適用情況。在此基礎(chǔ)上提出統(tǒng)一雙代理人模型,并將其擴展到多代理人和多目標(biāo)情形。研究表明:代理人最優(yōu)努力程度、委托人最大收益與代理人產(chǎn)出系數(shù)、代理人間關(guān)系程度呈正相關(guān)關(guān)系,與單位努力成本、市場波動影響呈負相關(guān)關(guān)系;同時競爭和合作關(guān)系總優(yōu)于中立關(guān)系,競爭和合作關(guān)系的委托人最大收益大小關(guān)系根據(jù)激勵效用而變化;雙代理模型的結(jié)論在多代理人情況下仍然適用。
This paper constructs three kinds of principal-agent models:neutrality,competition and cooperation.It analyzes the relationship between the optimal solution of each model and the model parameters,as well as compares and analyzes the applicable conditions of each model.On this basis,this paper proposes a unified double-agent model and promotes it to the circumstance of multi-agent and multi-target.The study results are as follows.In the double-agent model,agents' optimal effort level and principals' maximal revenue are positively correlated with agents' output coefficient and the degree of interaction relationships between the agents,as well as negatively correlated with agents cost of unit effort and market fluctuations.Both the competitive and cooperative relations of the double agents are superior to the independent relationship of double agents.Whether the competitive relation between the double agents is superior to the cooperative relations of double agents or not depends on the size of the incentive effect.In addition,the conclusion of double-agent model can also be applied to the circumstances of single-task & multi-agent and multi-task & multi-agent.

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