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情報(bào)雜志 頁(yè)數(shù): 9 2018-07-09 09:11
摘要: [目的/意義]"亞洲海事透明倡議"(Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative,AMTI)是由美國(guó)智庫(kù)"戰(zhàn)略與國(guó)際研究中心"(Center for Strategic and International Studies,CSIS)專(zhuān)門(mén)圍繞東海、南海問(wèn)題而建立的網(wǎng)站,從AMTI的報(bào)道可以了解美國(guó)政府在相關(guān)問(wèn)題上的立場(chǎng),但目前國(guó)內(nèi)尚無(wú)關(guān)于該網(wǎng)站的相關(guān)分析。[方法/過(guò)程]收集了AMTI網(wǎng)站近一年多共一萬(wàn)多字的英文專(zhuān)題報(bào)道,建成一小型語(yǔ)料庫(kù);采用Ant Conc軟件統(tǒng)計(jì)詞頻,分析搭配模式或詞匯共現(xiàn)模式。[結(jié)果/結(jié)論]該網(wǎng)站明顯偏袒日本、越南等國(guó),宣揚(yáng)所謂的"中國(guó)威脅",目的是維護(hù)美國(guó)在亞太地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟(jì)政治利益。中國(guó)迫切需要成立專(zhuān)門(mén)的海洋話語(yǔ)權(quán)研究機(jī)構(gòu),應(yīng)對(duì)外媒不利宣傳,打贏東海、南海的輿論之戰(zhàn)。
[Purpose/Significance]Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative(AMTI) is designed by American think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS) to deal with issues in East and South China Seas.AMTI's reports may reveal the position of American government in relevant issues,but no study has been conducted in this perspective.[Method/Process]The features posted in the recent year,nearly 10,000 words in total,were collected to build a corpus.The software AntConc was used to count frequency of words and the lexical collocation and co-occurrence modes were analyzed.[Result/Conclusion]AMTI demonstrates evident favoritism and partiality to Japan and Vietnam and promoted the so-called "China threat",so as to protect America's economic and political interests in Asia-Pacific Region.China is in urgent need of the construction of a Research Institute of Maritime Discourse Power,so that it can respond to the negative foreign reports and win the favorable public opinions from the international community with regard to the issues of East and South China Seas.

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