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情報學報 頁數(shù): 10 2018-06-24
摘要: 根據(jù)建設國家高端科技智庫的要求,論述了國家高端科技智的提出過程,分別闡述了國家高端科技智庫的十大功能,包括思想庫、指南針、研究者、科普師、千里眼、顯微鏡、預警機、探照燈、傳感器和挖掘機,并簡要分析了十大功能的意義和情報學價值。
With respecting to the requirements for establishing a high-end national science and technology think tank,this paper discusses the proposal of establishing a high-end national science and technology think tank; respectively explores the ten major functions of a high-end national science and technology think tank,including that of an idea center,a compass,a space for researchers,a space for popular science specialists,and a space for the development of clairvoyance,microscopes,early warning mechanisms,searchlights,sensors,and mining machines; and briefly analyzes the significance and information science values of these ten major functions.

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