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情報資料工作 頁數(shù): 7 2018-07-25
摘要: 文章圍繞社會科學(xué)院信息機構(gòu)與中國特色新型智庫建設(shè)的關(guān)系問題,研究了社科院智庫在各中文版智庫評價系統(tǒng)中的地位和社科院文獻信息機構(gòu)與智庫關(guān)系,得出社會科學(xué)院信息機構(gòu)是中國特色新型智庫的重要支撐這一結(jié)論,希望社會科學(xué)院信息機構(gòu)通過找準(zhǔn)為智庫提供決策咨詢服務(wù)的著力點、建立信息聯(lián)盟等方式,提高自身能力,服務(wù)中國特色新型智庫。
This article focuses on the relationship between information institutions of the social sciences institute and the construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics, studies the status of think tanks of the social sciences institute in the evaluation system of Chinese version think tanks and the relationship between literature information institutions of the social sciences institute and think tanks, and draws the conclusion that the information structure of the social sciences institute is an important support for new think tanks with Chinese characteristics. It is also hoped that the information institutions of the academy of social sciences will improve services, establish information alliances and serve new think tanks with Chinese characteristics through locating the location database, providing the focus of decision-making consultation

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