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探索與爭鳴 頁數(shù): 8 2018-07-20
摘要: 理論不是學(xué)者的專利,人人都有其看待世界、安排生活的獨(dú)特看法和方式。在維特根斯坦圖像理論的基礎(chǔ)上,一種"意義、原則、方式"共在性的圖像式理論的提出,有助于人們對"生活中實際使用理論"現(xiàn)象的理解?!饵S河邊的中國》一書正展現(xiàn)了曹錦清教授借助人類學(xué)文本,對他者和自身生活的圖像式把握?;氐焦芾韺W(xué)研究,管理學(xué)者應(yīng)該取徑"人類學(xué)"走進(jìn)田野,建構(gòu)并內(nèi)化"助力管理實踐(意義)",遵循"真誠、多元范式(原則)"的職業(yè)圖像式理論,把"組織管理現(xiàn)象(知識生產(chǎn))"放在"歷史、社會"和"日常生活"的背景下,謙卑而真切地感受曾經(jīng)和正在發(fā)生之事,用獨(dú)具風(fēng)格的敘事去描述、詮釋和想象社會,才有可能在本土管理研究取得扎實的理論貢獻(xiàn)。
Theory is not the scholar's patent, everyone is a theorist who has his/her own way to see the world and to arrange life. Being inspired by Wittgenstein, the author builds a picture-style theory(PST) consists of the simultaneous existence of meaning, rule, and pattern so as to incur the understanding on‘theory in use'. The author illustrates how to have a picture-style comprehension in self and others by the book of China along the Yellow River. In the ending, the author argues that management researchers can do more contributionsby the way of field study learned from anthropologyand can do better only if being led by their professional PST that holds the meaning of prompting practice and following the rule of sincerity and multiple paradigms.

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