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管理學報 頁數: 5 2018-07-01
摘要: 在概要介紹中國管理50人論壇(2018上半年)會議10篇主題報告,以及由此引發(fā)探討的基礎上,圍繞著理論、方法和實踐等層面延伸出了14個待研究的學術問題。上述會議主題報告、交流探討和引申問題的內容涉及了當下中國企業(yè)實踐快速發(fā)展的背景下,中國管理學研究和商科教育發(fā)展,以及管理實踐發(fā)展所面臨的現狀和挑戰(zhàn),以期能為研究者們在未來提出研究項目、探求研究方向時提供借鑒和參考。
Based on the brief summary of the 10 keynote speeches and subsequent discussions in the Chinese Management 50 Forum(April 20-21,2018 in Dalian),this paper presents14 academic issues to be studied further regard to theoretical,methodological and practical aspects in the management field.The keynote speeches,discussions and the issues raised in this forum relate to the status quo and challenges faced by Chinese management studies and the development of management education,as well as management practices.The issues are raised with the purpose of providing scholars with the reference and directions for future management research.

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