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湘潭大學學報(哲學社會科學版) 頁數(shù): 5 2018-07-15
摘要: 為引導和推動新型智庫建設(shè)健康和戰(zhàn)略性發(fā)展,建立具有中國特色話語體系的科學、合理、有效的智庫評價體系顯得尤其迫切與重要。中國特色新型智庫評價體系是符合中國國情并與國際接軌的智庫評價體系,其主要包括評價目標、評價主體、評價客體、評價標準、評價方法、評價指標、評價制度等核心要素,進而構(gòu)建出具有中國特色的新型智庫評價指標體系——"天井模型"。
In order to guide and promote the healthy and strategic development of new-style Think Tank,it is particularly urgent and important to establish a scientific,rational,and effective Think Tank evaluation system with Chinese Characteristics. The new-style Think Tank evaluation system with Chinese characteristics not only conforms to China's national conditions,but also is in line with international standards. It mainly includes evaluation objectives,evaluation subjects,evaluation objects,evaluation criteria,evaluation methods,evaluation indicators,evaluation systems and other core elements,and then builds evaluation index System with Chinese characteristics-"Tianjing Model".

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