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南京社會科學(xué) 頁數(shù): 8 2018-06-15
摘要: 哈羅德·孔茨分別于1961年和1980年提出并分析了管理理論叢林現(xiàn)象,前后二十年的派別分野與演變讓學(xué)者們看到了一個山頭林立、日益繁雜卻又各自有效的管理時代,這讓表征管理科學(xué)的普適性原則備受質(zhì)疑。面對西方管理學(xué)的這種合法性危機(jī),我們從中國傳統(tǒng)易文化一(道生一)、二(一生二)、三(二生三,三生萬物)角度重新解讀這一現(xiàn)象,理清并整合出一條由一、二、三為演化主線的管理學(xué)理論發(fā)展路徑。事實上,管理理論叢林現(xiàn)象并非困境,也不需要披荊斬棘走出一條"萬宗歸一"的康莊大道,從"道生一"管理主體的出現(xiàn),到"一生二"物性與人心的分立,再到"二生三"物性、人心和環(huán)境的交互,管理理論叢林正是"三生萬物"客觀規(guī)律的具體體現(xiàn)。
Harold Koontz proposed and analyzed the Management Theory Jungle in 1961 and1980. The division and evolution of factions during two decades shows us an increasingly complicated and separated management time with efficient but miscellaneous characteristic. Confronted with the crisis of scientificity and legitimacy of management studies,we re-explain the development of management theory from the perspective of Yi culture,including One( Dao begets One),Two( One begets Two),Three( Two begets Three,Three begets all things) Chinese conventional ideology,clarify and integrate this theoretical path as the main line of theoretical evolution. In fact,the management theory jungle phenomenon is neither a dilemma nor a broad road that must unify everything.From the appearance of management subject( Dao begets One) to division of property and personality( One begets Two),and to the interaction of property,personality and environment( Two begets Three),the management theory jungle is definitely a natural phenomenon.

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