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西藏研究 頁數(shù): 7 2018-04-15
摘要: 黨的十九大報告提出了中國特色社會主義進入新時代的科學論斷,確立了習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想的歷史地位,同時提出要"加快構建中國特色哲學社會科學,加強中國特色新型智庫建設"。這既是我國發(fā)展新的歷史方位,同時也為新時代智庫建設指明了方向。但從目前狀況來看,我國的涉藏智庫建設與新時代黨和國家建設新型智庫的期望還有一定差距,這需要我們以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,立足國情和實踐,在加強智庫制度建設和推進體制機制改革中逐步加以解決。
The 19~(th) National Congress of the CPC report made the scientific judgment of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the new era,established the historical status of Xi Jinping Thoughts of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,and put forward to "speed up the construction of philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics,to strengthen the construction of new think-tank with Chinese characteristics". It is not only the development of new historical orientation in China,at the same time it also points out the direction for the new era of think-tank construction. But for now,Tibet-related think-tank construction also has some problems. There are some gaps between current situation and the expectations with construction of the new think-tank from the party and the state in the new age,it needs us to solve issues step by step under the guidance wit Xi Jinping Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,and fully based on national conditions and practice,in the course of strengthening think-tank system construction and promoting the reform of systems and institutions.

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