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管理學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 6 2020-03-01
摘要: 第10屆"中國·實踐·管理"論壇以"中國管理研究與實踐的互動創(chuàng)新"為主題,圍繞中國管理情境下的管理理論創(chuàng)新與管理實踐創(chuàng)新間的關(guān)系進行了深入探索,分析了當(dāng)前管理學(xué)研究特征及所存在的問題;討論了管理研究的科學(xué)嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)性與實踐相關(guān)性的關(guān)系、管理實踐智慧與管理理論研究的關(guān)系;交流了"管理三界"互動的有效經(jīng)驗;研討了管理哲學(xué)、研究范式與方法論的變革方向,既深化與擴大了學(xué)術(shù)界對扎根實踐做研究的共識,也推進了學(xué)術(shù)界與企業(yè)界、咨詢培訓(xùn)界的深度交流,有助于促進中國管理實踐創(chuàng)新、理論創(chuàng)新與工具方法創(chuàng)新取得更多優(yōu)秀成果。
The 10 th "China·Practice·Management" forum, with the theme of "Interactive Innovation of Management Research and Practice in China", deeply explored the relationship between management theory innovation and management practice innovation in the Chinese management context. The forum analyzed management research characteristics and current existing problems, discussed the relationship between scientific preciseness and practical relevance of management research, the relationship between management practice wisdom and management theory research, exchanged the effective experiences of the "Three Realms of Management" interaction, and discussed the change direction of the management philosophy, research paradigm and methodology. The conference achieved fruitful results, which not only deepened and expanded the academic community's consensus to research grounded from practice, but also promoted the in-depth exchanges amongthe academic community, the business community and the consulting and training community, helping to obtain more outstanding achievements from the innovation of management practice, theory research and tools exploitation in China.

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