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管理學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 11 2020-02-01
摘要: 采用探索性案例研究法對思坎普及其兩次重要變革進行研究,探究穩(wěn)定與變革如何實現(xiàn)相互促進。研究驗證了穩(wěn)定與變革的悖論性關(guān)系。研究結(jié)果表明,在組織發(fā)展過程中,穩(wěn)定機制主要通過驅(qū)動、支撐和釋放注意力與資源等促進變革,而變革中的試錯性活動或嘗試和調(diào)整等創(chuàng)新行動能夠促進新穩(wěn)定機制的再形成;穩(wěn)定機制的作用路徑和強度呈現(xiàn)多樣性特點,在新增型變革中釋放作用更顯著,而在重整型變革中驅(qū)動和支撐作用更顯著;組織變革形式多樣,但本質(zhì)均在于打破組織已有穩(wěn)定狀態(tài)并促使其達到新穩(wěn)定狀態(tài),突顯其持續(xù)性復(fù)雜系統(tǒng)工程及悖論性屬性特征。
Following the paradox theory, this paper adopts a longitudinal case study on the development process of Signcomplex, especially the two changes, to explore the interdependence between stability and change. The study confirms the paradoxical relationship between stability and change, and concludes that: in the process of organizational development, the stability mechanism promotes change mainly through driving, supporting and releasing attention and resources; while trial-and-error activities or innovative actions such as trying and adjusting in organizational changes can promote the reformation of new stability mechanism; stability mechanisms promotes changes in diversified approaches and strength, with the releasing effect dominating in newly-added changes, and the driving and supporting effects in adjusted changes; Despite the diversity of organizational changes, their essence is to break the existing stable state and set up a new one, highlighting a continuous systematic project with paradoxical attributes.

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