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管理世界 頁數(shù): 16 2020-02-05
摘要: 經過三十余年的發(fā)展,和諧管理理論已經被我國管理學者應用到深化管理學理論創(chuàng)新以及引領管理實踐變革的各個方面。面對充滿了不確定性、模糊性、復雜性以及快變性的商業(yè)管理環(huán)境,和諧管理理論逐漸體現(xiàn)出了其整合東西方管理智慧、與管理情境緊密結合以創(chuàng)造性地解決復雜問題的基本思想,以及在應用該理論過程中體現(xiàn)出了"動態(tài)"與"迭代"特征。本文通過對和諧管理理論相關應用研究進行述評,討論了相關研究所存在的一系列問題和改進建議,有助于彰顯和諧管理理論的應用價值,并加強和諧管理理論的研究和應用。為了使讀者對和諧管理理論有更為深入及在一定程度上統(tǒng)一的認識,本文以介紹和諧管理理論基本思想與特點作為開頭,并深入回顧了和諧管理理論在不同領域以及行業(yè)中的應用。同時,本文也發(fā)現(xiàn)和諧管理理論相關應用研究存在著分布不均、理論聯(lián)系度較低、理論與實踐關聯(lián)度不足以及和諧耦合機制相關研究不足的問題,并提出從深化和諧管理理論本身、擴大理論影響力以及加強相關應用研究等方面入手的改進建議。
After more than 30 years of development, He Xie Management Theory has been applied to advancing the innovation of management theories and leading the transformation of management practices. The theory has demonstrated its foundational idea in combining east and western wisdom and to create management insights by conducting research closely related to management practices. It also demonstrates the congruency between its dynamic and iterative features and the business environment filled with uncertainty, ambiguity, complexity and changeability. The current paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the application of He Xie Management Theory. Based on the relevant review, the existing issues and future development advice are also discussed. To enhance our understanding of the theory, the study first reviewed the development of the theory itself with a special focus on its foundational ideas and features in its applications, followed by the discussion on the application within different subject areas and industries. It is also argued that current studies on the applications of He Xie Management Theory is not reasonably distributed in different areas of management practices. Some of the studies did not establish strong links with the theory, and studies on the He Xie Coupling mechanism is limited. Therefore, we propose that researchers should gain a more holistic understanding of the theory, put efforts in deepening conceptual studies, amplify the influencing power of the theory, and conduct relevant applied research in terms of the emerging management challenges.

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