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檔案管理 頁(yè)數(shù): 3 2020-01-15
摘要: 清政府、中華民國(guó)和中華人民共和國(guó)成立后這三個(gè)不同時(shí)期,政府與行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)商會(huì)的關(guān)系主要表現(xiàn)為協(xié)助、制衡和新型合作形態(tài)的建立。公文是政府權(quán)力的外在表現(xiàn),其程式和內(nèi)容可以直接反映政府對(duì)行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)商會(huì)的管理思路和手段;行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)商會(huì)亦可通過公文表達(dá)其觀點(diǎn)和立場(chǎng)。研究不同時(shí)期政會(huì)間行文演進(jìn)情況,進(jìn)而對(duì)政會(huì)間新型關(guān)系下的行文方式等提出看法。
In the three different periods of the Qing government, the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China, the government and trade association chamber of commerce were mainly responsible for assisting relations,fights and balances, and the establishment of new types of relations. Official documents are the external manifestation of government power. Their programs and contents can directly reflect the government's management ideas and means towards trade associations. Trade association chamber of commerce can also express their views and positions through official documents. This paper studies the evolution of the official documents between government and trade associations in different periods, and then puts forward views on the way of writing official documents under the new relationship between government and trade associations.

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