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管理評論 頁數(shù): 10 2020-01-31
摘要: 組織公民行為是組織成功的關(guān)鍵因素。現(xiàn)有研究主要以"好公民"為視角,探討了組織公民行為的前因與后果,至今少見從第三方(旁觀者)視角的組織公民行為研究。對旁觀者而言,他們可能對"好公民"的組織公民行為本身、動機(jī)以及結(jié)果形成負(fù)面認(rèn)知,因而可能做出傷害"好公民"的不道德行為。為系統(tǒng)探討組織公民行為的這種不道德旁觀者效應(yīng)及其機(jī)制,本研究提出了在"認(rèn)知—情感—行為"框架下研究"旁觀者不道德侵害好公民"之問題的新思路,分別依據(jù)社會比較理論、情感事件理論以及歸因理論分析了這一現(xiàn)象的原因和過程機(jī)制。這一前瞻性的探索工作,不僅剖析了旁觀者為什么以及如何對"好公民"做出不道德行為,而且也為研究"組織公民行為的黑暗面"探究了一種新的可能方向,推動了組織公民行為的理論發(fā)展和創(chuàng)新。
Organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) contributes to the development of social capital and "lubricates" the social machinery of the organization, and has become essential for organizational success.Almost all the existing researches take a first-person perspective to examine the causes and consequences of OCB and very few researches take a third-party viewpoint to study OCB. It is more likely that OCB has detrimental effects on third parties, and result in the fact that good citizens suffer unethical treatments from these people. We adopt a multilevel, "cognition-emotion-behavior" framework that probes into the within-person process mechanism of third parties' unethical reactions to OCB, basing on social comparison theory, affective events theory and attribution theory respectively. Our work extends the existing theories and researches. It explains why and how third parties engage act unethically to good citizens and propose a new direction for studying the dark side of OCB.

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