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管理學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 8 2020-01-01
摘要: 基于資源保存理論視角,探討了中國情境下組織德性對員工挑戰(zhàn)型組織公民行為的影響,以及組織支持感和成長需求強(qiáng)度在此過程中的作用。研究結(jié)果表明,組織德性可以有效預(yù)測挑戰(zhàn)型組織公民行為;組織支持感在組織德性與挑戰(zhàn)型組織公民行為的關(guān)系中起著中介作用;成長需求強(qiáng)度不僅調(diào)節(jié)了組織支持感對挑戰(zhàn)型組織公民行為的影響,還可以調(diào)節(jié)組織德性通過組織支持感影響挑戰(zhàn)型組織公民行為的間接關(guān)系。
Based on the conservation of resources theory, this study explores the impact of organizational virtuousness on challenge-oriented organizational citizenship behavior(COCB) and the role of perceived organizational support(POS) and growth need strength(GNS) in this process. The results of cross-level model data analysis shows that:(1) organizational virtuousness can effectively predict COCB;(2) POS fully mediates the relationship between organizational virtuousness and COCB;(3) GNS not only moderates the relationship between POS and COCB, but also moderates the indirect effect of organizational virtuousness on COCB via POS.

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