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管理學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 10 2020-01-01
摘要: 在成員能動性與組織規(guī)定性之間的"辯證"關(guān)系視角下,基于和諧管理理論,結(jié)合能動性概念,發(fā)展出"和諧耦合"理論原型,將組織化概念化為"組織規(guī)定性與成員能動性"和"確定性與不確定性"的雙重交互過程。然后,通過一個網(wǎng)絡(luò)化組織的案例研究,進(jìn)一步構(gòu)建出"和諧耦合"中層理論,揭示了"和諧耦合"過程中"同化、問題化、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化"3種交互機制,闡述了"問題化"機制的關(guān)鍵作用,并基于"問題化"機制深化了對組織結(jié)構(gòu)類型和適應(yīng)性的理解,以及討論了其實踐價值。
Considering the dialectical relationship between constraints and agency, drawing on He-Xie management theory, and employing the agency concept of Giddens, this study develops a prototype theory of He-Xie coupling, which conceptualizes organizing as a dual interactive process of "organizational constraints-individual agency" and "certainty-uncertainty". A middle-range theory of He-Xie coupling is constructed through a case study of a networked organization, which discloses three interactive mechanisms, namely assimilation, problematization, and standardization. Then a new understanding of organizational structures and adaptations based on the mechanism of problematization is provided, followed by a discussion of its practical implications.

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