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管理科學(xué) 頁(yè)數(shù): 13 2019-07-20
摘要: 組織變革的不確定環(huán)境下,組織和個(gè)人如何應(yīng)對(duì)諸多"負(fù)向要素"、化解壓力并使之轉(zhuǎn)化為動(dòng)力是需要關(guān)注的一個(gè)重要問(wèn)題。目前壓力研究領(lǐng)域大多數(shù)學(xué)者抑或從靜態(tài)的工作特征環(huán)境要素出發(fā),關(guān)注組織環(huán)境對(duì)個(gè)人的單方向、簡(jiǎn)單作用機(jī)制,而忽略了個(gè)體變量在這個(gè)過(guò)程中可能發(fā)揮的作用機(jī)理;抑或從認(rèn)知要素、情感要素或者行為要素等單一維度個(gè)體變量出發(fā),而沒(méi)有運(yùn)用一個(gè)多維、動(dòng)態(tài)變量來(lái)透視個(gè)體與組織情景的復(fù)雜交互作用機(jī)理。從積極心理學(xué)的復(fù)原力這一多維動(dòng)態(tài)概念出發(fā),構(gòu)建一個(gè)以組織變革工作環(huán)境特征變量(工作需求-控制)、個(gè)體復(fù)原力和壓力為變量的可調(diào)節(jié)的中介模型,通過(guò)實(shí)證研究方法探究個(gè)體與組織因素的交互作用和影響機(jī)制。采用問(wèn)卷調(diào)查方法,以相關(guān)量表作為工具對(duì)變量進(jìn)行測(cè)量,共收集859份調(diào)研問(wèn)卷,采用分層線性回歸方法和分析程序插件Process進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn)。研究結(jié)果表明,復(fù)原力在工作需求-工作控制與壓力之間具有新的、復(fù)雜作用機(jī)制,有助于從新的視角理解和解釋壓力管理問(wèn)題。高需求高控制帶來(lái)的學(xué)習(xí)過(guò)程可以被視為一個(gè)壓力引發(fā)激勵(lì)效果的過(guò)程,激勵(lì)不再僅僅是外在條件刺激的產(chǎn)物,在缺乏外在刺激的情況下,內(nèi)在的激勵(lì)也可能來(lái)自壓力所產(chǎn)生的激勵(lì)效果,而個(gè)體的復(fù)原力在其中發(fā)揮重要的機(jī)制作用。圍繞復(fù)原力問(wèn)題開(kāi)展的組織壓力研究,對(duì)于了解實(shí)踐中工作需求和工作控制等工作特征變量通過(guò)交互作用影響個(gè)體壓力的產(chǎn)生提供了新的個(gè)體認(rèn)知路徑,也為從理論上重新剖析和分解激勵(lì)模型提供了新思路。
This paper focuses on how individuals and organizations,under the uncertain environment resulting from organizational changes,can deal with growing and inevitable"negative factors"and turn them into motivating and positive forces. So far,in the field of stress management research,some scholars have used static Job demand-control Model to describe the single direction and simple influencing mechanism of the organizational environment on employees,in which the conscious initiative of every individual was ignored; others have resorted to certain single-dimensional individual variables such as cognitive,emotional or behavioral variables to describe job stress faced by employees,in which an interactive,multi-dimensional and dynamic mechanism of organizational situation and individuals is not incorporated.This paper is intended to construct a moderated mediation model with job characteristics,individual resilience and stress as variables. We try to find out the complex interactive influencing mechanism between individuals and the organizational situations.To verify the validity of this model,we have conducted 859 questionnaires and surveys and have used the hierarchical linear regression method and analyzer plug-in Process to have an empirical study.The research has proven the complex influencing mechanism of job control,job demand and stress; and it can help us to understand and explain the stress management from a new perspective of cognition. Research has shown that under the condition of high demand and high control,the learning process can be seen as a process of triggering incentive effect by having proper stress management. So motivation is no longer just the product of external stimulation. In the absence of external stimulation,intrinsic motivation may also come from the incentive effects generated by stress; the concept of the resilience plays an important role in this complex process.In theory,taking resilience as a mediator and a moderating mediator,this paper does an empirical study of job demand-control and stress management. By doing this,our research has analyzed the source and mechanism of stress and put forward a new model of motivation theory integrating stressful forces and motive forces,which may have an important theoretical significance in the field of motivation research and stress management.

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