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科學管理研究 頁數(shù): 5 2019-10-20
摘要: 對中科院科技戰(zhàn)略咨詢研究院進行參與觀察,提出科技智庫管理和運行機制研究假設。對10家科技智庫進行訪談調研,采用相符性程序方法進行驗證,提出完善我國科技智庫管理和運行機制的對策和建議。宏觀層面的科技決策咨詢機制是科技智庫管理和運行的基礎,中觀層面的外部管理機制為科技智庫創(chuàng)造良好的外部條件,微觀層面的內部運行機制是科技智庫的內生動力。
Participant observation is taken to the Institute of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a result of which, a research hypothesis is put forward regarding management and operation mechanisms of science and technology think tanks. A survey is conducted to 10 science and technology think tanks and such cases of survey are combined in the method of compliance procedures to verify the hypothesis. Countermeasures and suggestions are offered for improving China's science and technology think tank management and operation mechanisms.The macroscopic science and technology decision consulting mechanism is the foundation for management and operation of a science and technology think tank; the mesoscopic external management mechanism creates sound external conditions for the science and technology think tank; and the microscopic internal operation mechanism is the endogenous power of the science and technology think tank.

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