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檔案管理 頁數(shù): 3 2019-11-07
摘要: 本文針對中國秘書學(xué)理論研究領(lǐng)域具有代表性的論文著作進行統(tǒng)計分析,在統(tǒng)計基礎(chǔ)上對中國秘書學(xué)理論研究以時間節(jié)點劃分為三個階段。并針對不同階段梳理了其中具有代表性的觀點,達到綜述整理中國秘書學(xué)已有研究成果的目的。
This paper analyzes the representative works of Chinese secretarial theory in the field of theoretical research. On the basis of statistics,the theoretical study of Chinese secretarial theory is divided into three stages by time nodes. And it sorts out the representative viewpoints for different stages,and achieves the purpose of reviewing the existing research results of Chinese secretarial science.

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