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圖書館 頁數(shù): 6 2019-10-14 17:07
摘要: 社會智庫作為中國特色新型智庫的重要組成部分,具有獨(dú)立性與接地氣的優(yōu)勢。文章從政策變遷視角探討社會智庫發(fā)展過程及階段性特征,歸納其當(dāng)前面臨的主要困境。提出以外部嵌入與內(nèi)部整合為社會智庫進(jìn)一步建設(shè)的指向,從嵌入?yún)f(xié)同主體、構(gòu)建多層次支持體系、規(guī)范制度環(huán)境方面完善外部嵌入;從構(gòu)建大數(shù)據(jù)平臺、"中國式"旋轉(zhuǎn)門、完善內(nèi)部籌資機(jī)構(gòu)、構(gòu)建多維傳播網(wǎng)絡(luò)方面完善其運(yùn)行機(jī)制,提升其內(nèi)生動力,加快其建設(shè)步伐,發(fā)揮其咨詢優(yōu)勢以提升政府決策科學(xué)性。
As an important part of the new think tank with Chinese characteristics, social think tank has the advantages of independence and grounding gas. From the perspective of policy change, this paper explores its development process and stage characteristics, and sums up the main difficulties it is facing at present. Directed by external embedding and internal integration, the external embedding should be perfected in terms of embedding cooperative subjects, constructing multilevel support system and standardizing institutional environment. We should improve its operation mechanism, enhance its endogenous power, speed up its pace of construction, and give full play to its advisory advantages in order to enhance the government scientific decision-making in terms of building a large data platform, a "Chinese-style" revolving door, improving internal financing institutions and building a multidimensional communication network.

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