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科學(xué)管理研究 頁數(shù): 5 2019-08-20
摘要: 科技決策智庫是支撐政府部門科技決策的重要載體,科研院所是我國當(dāng)前建設(shè)科技決策智庫的主要力量。構(gòu)建科技決策智庫運(yùn)行機(jī)制框架,分析我國科研院所科技決策智庫建設(shè)情況,并從經(jīng)費(fèi)來源、人才管理、組織管理、成果創(chuàng)造及質(zhì)量評估、交流合作、成果推廣等維度提出科研院所建設(shè)科技決策智庫的路徑及有關(guān)對策建議。
Science and technology decision-making think tank is an important carrier to support the science and technology decision-making ofgovernment department and scientific research institutes are the main force to construct science and technology decision-making think tank in China at present. This paper constructs the operational mechanism framework of scientific and technological decision-making think tanks, and analyses the construction of scientific and technological decision-making think tanks in Chinesescientific research institutes, and puts forward the path and relevant countermeasures and suggestions for scientific research institutes to build scientific and technological decision-making think tanks from the aspects of funding sources, talent management, organization management, achievement creation and quality assessment, exchange and cooperation, and achievement promotion.

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