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當代經濟科學 頁數(shù): 14 2019-08-07 14:47
摘要: 人與組織關系是組織管理學中的基礎性問題。新中國成立70年來,組織的外部制度情景中一個顯著變化是伴隨著完全計劃經濟向社會主義市場經濟轉軌,組織生存與發(fā)展的制度邏輯逐步從社會邏輯向市場邏輯轉變,本文基于這一轉變探討人與組織關系的演變。隨著人與組織之間管理模式、自由程度、開放程度、創(chuàng)新意識、社會責任、雇傭形態(tài)、決策模式等要素的變遷,人與組織之間關系從單位制下的"捆綁體"逐步轉變?yōu)楣ぞ呃硇韵碌?經濟契約體"、價值理性下的合作共贏,最終向共生共贏式關系轉變。這一演變歷程背后是制度邏輯、組織形態(tài)、組織中的人性假設以及企業(yè)家精神的演變:制度邏輯由單一社會邏輯向多元混合邏輯轉變;組織形態(tài)由單一社會組織向經濟組織、混合組織轉變;人性假設由單位人向社會人、經濟人與共享人轉變;企業(yè)家精神由社會企業(yè)家精神、創(chuàng)業(yè)企業(yè)家精神向共益型企業(yè)家精神邁進。展望未來,新社會責任認知、新技術范式、新經濟形態(tài)、新組織實踐將驅動人與組織的和諧共生與共贏。
The relationship between human and organizations is a fundamental issue in organizational management.In the 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China(PRC),a remarkable change in the external institutional scenario of organizations is that the institutional logic of the survival and development of organizations has gradually changed from social logic to market logic accompanied by the economic transition from a fully planned economy to a socialist market.Based on this institutional change,this paper discusses the basic evolution of the relationship between human and organizations.With the changes of management mode,the degree of freedom,openness,innovation consciousness,social responsibility,employment form,and the decision model,the relationship of human and organizations has gradually changed from binding relationship under the system of units to the economic contractual relationship based on the instrumental rationality,and then changed to the cooperative relationship based on the value rationality,and finally to the symbiotic relationship and win-win situation.Behind this evolution is the evolution of institutional logic,organizational form,human nature hypothesis in organizations and entrepreneurship,which includes that the institutional logic has changed from single social logic to multiple mixed logic,organizational form has changed from social organizations to economic organizations and hybrid organizations,the hypothesis of organizational human nature has changed from unit human to social human,economic human and sharing human,and the entrepreneurship has changed from social entrepreneurship and corporate entrepreneurship to benefit entrepreneurship.Looking forward to the future,the new social responsibility cognition,the new technology paradigm,new economic form and new organizational practice will drive the harmonious coexistence and win-win situation between human and organizations.

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