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管理學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 12 2019-09-01
摘要: 從研究方法和分析技術(shù)兩個層面分析已有QCA研究中存在的問題,并提供解決思路。在研究方法層面,從理論目標(biāo)、研究問題和實現(xiàn)途徑3個方面闡明了QCA方法與定量研究方法的差異化定位;在分析技術(shù)層面,詳細闡述了QCA方法應(yīng)用全過程(3個階段)的操作性策略。最后,指出QCA方法在組織與管理研究中進一步優(yōu)化應(yīng)用的未來方向,即提高透明性、納入時序性和嘗試混合方法。
This paper attempts to provide solutions to existing problems in Qualitative comparative analysis(QCA) research from two aspects of the research approach and analysis technique. At the level of research approach, the differences between the QCA method and quantitative research method are expounded from three aspects: theoretical objectives, research questions, and realization approaches. At the level of analysis technique, the operational strategy of the whole application process(three stages) of the QCA method is expounded in detail. Finally, three directions of further optimizing the application of the QCA methods in management and organization research are proposed, which are improving transparency, adding temporality, and trying mixed methods.

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