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軟科學(xué) 頁(yè)數(shù): 6 2019-07-01 11:03
摘要: 整合委托代理視角與契約參照點(diǎn),構(gòu)建以支付調(diào)整沖突為中介變量,以信任為調(diào)節(jié)變量的柔性合同與承包人履約行為間關(guān)系的理論模型。使用潛調(diào)節(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)方程對(duì)213份有效建設(shè)項(xiàng)目樣本數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行處理,結(jié)果表明:柔性合同與承包人履約行為間同時(shí)存在著積極與消極兩條路徑,且分野條件為支付調(diào)整沖突的中介作用;信任顯著負(fù)向調(diào)節(jié)了柔性合同與支付調(diào)整沖突間的正向關(guān)系;信任顯著負(fù)向調(diào)節(jié)了支付調(diào)整沖突在柔性合同與承包人履約行為間的中介作用。
Integrating the perspctire of principal-agent and contract reference point, this paper constructs a theoretical model of the relationship between flexible contract and contractor's compliance, in which it takes payments adjustment conflict as mediator and trust as moderator. Results processed by latent moderate structural equations and based on the 213 valid samples of construction projects indicates that there simultaneously are positive and negative paths between flexible contract and contractor's compliance, and the distinction condition is the mediating effect of payments adjustment conflict. In addition, trust negatively moderates the positive relationship between flexible contract and payments adjustment conflict. And, trust negatively moderates the indirect effect of flexible contract on contractor's compliance via payments adjustment conflict.

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