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檔案管理 頁數(shù): 5 2019-09-15
摘要: 梳理當前秘書學研究的主要對象及典型思路,分析秘書理論研究的體系現(xiàn)狀和學科歸屬,并在探討現(xiàn)有秘書學專業(yè)教育形態(tài)不成熟的兩大主因的基礎(chǔ)上,從本科教育、經(jīng)驗借鑒和發(fā)展模式三個方面探討秘書學專業(yè)教育的變革思路。
Based on a clearing up the main research objects and typical ways of studying on Secretarial Science, this article analyzes current system of secretarial researches as well as which subject category it belongs to, explores two major reasons about the immature education form of Secretarial Science, and probes into how to reform secretarial science education from three aspects of undergraduate education, other subjects for reference and developing mode.

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