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科技進步與對策 頁數(shù): 8 2019-01-31 16:12
摘要: 通過解析知識流動和組織信息化環(huán)境的內(nèi)部構(gòu)成,探究知識溢出/知識擴散、高管支持/ICT應(yīng)用對組織創(chuàng)造力的差異性影響,以及不同組織信息化環(huán)境對知識流動與組織創(chuàng)造力關(guān)系的調(diào)節(jié)作用。利用信息化程度較高的企業(yè)數(shù)據(jù),使用層級回歸分析進行實證檢驗。結(jié)果表明:組織創(chuàng)造力受知識流動的正向影響,知識擴散對其的正向影響更強;組織信息化正向影響組織創(chuàng)造力,相比ICT應(yīng)用,高管支持對組織創(chuàng)造力的正向影響更強;高管支持在知識溢出/知識擴散與組織創(chuàng)造力之間的正向調(diào)節(jié)作用顯著;ICT應(yīng)用對知識擴散與組織創(chuàng)造力的強化作用顯著強于對知識溢出與組織創(chuàng)造力之間的調(diào)節(jié)作用。
Through the analysis of the internal composition of knowledge flow and organizational information environment, the impact of knowledge spillovers/knowledge diffusion, executive support/ICT applications on organizational creativity, and the relationship between different organizational information environments and knowledge flow and organizational creativity are explored. Using enterprise data with a higher level of informatization, empirical analysis is conducted using hierarchical regression analysis. The research results show that knowledge flow positively influences organizational creativity. Compared with knowledge spillover, knowledge diffusion has a stronger positive effect on organizational creativity. Organizational informatization positively affects organizational creativity. Compared with ICT applications, executive support has a stronger positive impact on organizational creativity. Executive support plays a significant role in the positive adjustment between knowledge spillover/knowledge diffusion and organizational creativity. The application of ICT in the diffusion of knowledge and organizational creativity has a significant role in strengthening, and there is no significant regulation between knowledge spillovers and organizational creativity.

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