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科學學研究 頁數(shù): 12 2019-08-15
摘要: 破壞事件作為組織負效應的研究分支被組織創(chuàng)新領域研究廣泛關注,近期關于創(chuàng)新理論與雙元學習方面的研究認為,組織中不同階段的破壞事件對組織成員探索性學習與利用性學習存在不同影響?;诖?本文結合雙元學習理論與社會網(wǎng)絡理論,以組織適應性作為因變量,探究不同階段破壞事件發(fā)生的情況下雙元學習的匹配關系,并加入時間變量與破壞事件程度進行系統(tǒng)仿真研究。實證結果表明,在完全不存在破壞事件的情況下,雙元學習方式對組織適應性的影響不顯著;仿真結果表明,從長期來看破壞事件的發(fā)生有利于組織學習與知識獲取的提升。研究結論有利于理解破壞事件促進組織適應性與組織績效原因,并為企業(yè)如何利用組織雙元學習在組織變革中存活與提升組織適應性提供理論依據(jù)。
As a branch of research on negative organizational effects, disruption have been widely concerned in the field of organizational innovation. Recent studies on innovation theory and dual learning suggest that destructive events at different stages of an organization have different effects on exploratory learning and exploitable learning of organization members. Based on this, in combination with the dual learning theory and social network theory, this paper takes organizational adaptability as the dependent variable to explore the matching relation of binary learning in the case of failure events at different stages, and adds time variable and damage event degree for system simulation research. The empirical results show that in the case of no destructive events at all, the influence of dual learning on organizational adaptability is not significant. Simulation results show that the occurrence of destructive events is beneficial to the improvement of organizational learning and knowledge acquisition in the long run. The conclusion of this study is conducive to understanding the reasons why disruption events promote organizational adaptability and organizational performance, and provides a theoretical basis for how enterprises can survive and improve organizational adaptability in organizational change by utilizing organizational dual learning.

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