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管理學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 6 2019-08-01
摘要: 圍繞"中國情境是什么?""中國情境應(yīng)該是什么?""做了哪些管理創(chuàng)新?""還需要做哪些管理創(chuàng)新?"幾個問題,對以"中國情境與管理創(chuàng)新"為主題的"中國管理50人"論壇(2019年春)上26位學(xué)者的相關(guān)觀點進行了深入總結(jié)與呈現(xiàn)。學(xué)者們總體上認(rèn)為,開展針對中國情境下的管理創(chuàng)新研討,有利于增強學(xué)者對中國管理問題的關(guān)注,這項工作,一方面,將推動中國管理研究與實踐的融合發(fā)展;另一方面,將促進管理學(xué)者通過真正的價值創(chuàng)造來贏得社會各界的尊重。
This paper reviews the"Chinese Management 50 Forum"(April 20,2019 in Guangzhou)which concentrated on the theme"Chinese Context and Management Innovation".Based on the brief summary of the 26 keynote speeches and subsequent discussions,this paper presents four academic issues,including"What is Chinese context","What should Chinese context be","What kinds of management innovations have been made",and"What kinds of management innovations are needed".In general,discussing about management innovation in Chinese context is conducive to enhancing scholars' attention to Chinese management issues.This forum will promote the development of Chinese management research and practice,and on the other hand,promote management scholars to win the respect of entrepreneurs and students through value creation.

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