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管理科學(xué)學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 11 2019-05-15
摘要: 問題是理論研究的起點.在人類管理理論時代性貢獻(xiàn)與實踐性關(guān)系上,主要的困難不是答案,而是問題.真正有價值的實際問題既能使管理理論具有旺盛的生命力,又能使管理理論保持與時俱進(jìn)的鮮活度,并且理論的學(xué)術(shù)價值與真理性最終只能用解決實際問題的實踐來證明.反之,長久地脫離生動的管理問題,忘記實踐本身就是偉大的思想者,或者一味生活在別人的思想柵欄和理論圍城中,終究會使我們自己的學(xué)術(shù)生命力慢慢衰落.問題導(dǎo)向原則要求我國管理理論研究不僅堅持實踐化,更從本國國情出發(fā),以解決我國現(xiàn)實問題和指導(dǎo)我國管理實踐為主旨,最終推動管理學(xué)術(shù)中國化的實現(xiàn).當(dāng)前需要認(rèn)真弄清楚這一學(xué)理邏輯的基本形態(tài)與范式,弄清楚如何在問題導(dǎo)向原則中保持這種形態(tài)的持久張力,并使這種形態(tài)超越民族與地域的局限而融入人類管理學(xué)術(shù)整體文明之中.
The problem is the starting point of theoretical research. The main difficulty is not answer but problem in the relationship between contribution to the era and practicality of management theory. A real valuable practical problem could make the management theory not only have strong vitality,but also keep fresh by advancing with times,and ultimately,the academic value and truthfulness of the theory can only be proved by practice for problems-solving. Instead,long separation from vivid management problems,or forgetting that practice itself is a great thinker,or blindly living in others' fence of thought and besieged city of theory could lead to a slow decline of our academic vitality. Problem orientation principle requires that the research on management theory in China should not only insist on practicing,but also aim at solving Chinese realistic problems and guiding Chinese management practice,which will eventually promote the realization of sinicization of management research. At present,we should clarify the basic state,and paradigm of this academic logic,make clear how to keep the formation based on problem orientation principle,and enable the formation beyond the limitation of nationality and district and then integrate it into the entirety of human management academic civilization.

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