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管理科學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 頁(yè)數(shù): 3 2019-05-15
摘要: 圍繞著盛昭瀚"問(wèn)題導(dǎo)向:管理理論發(fā)展的推動(dòng)力"一文對(duì)管理理論發(fā)展提出的問(wèn)題導(dǎo)向之說(shuō),作者認(rèn)為,問(wèn)題導(dǎo)向有助于管理理論發(fā)展腳踏實(shí)地,從容面對(duì)復(fù)雜問(wèn)題的挑戰(zhàn),還原管理問(wèn)題數(shù)學(xué)化的初衷,以及打破學(xué)科壁壘、實(shí)現(xiàn)理論突破.對(duì)于管理理論發(fā)展的"跨學(xué)科"問(wèn)題,作者認(rèn)為應(yīng)該消除認(rèn)知上的誤區(qū)和學(xué)科壁壘.對(duì)于問(wèn)題導(dǎo)向可能帶來(lái)的理論研究"工具化"、對(duì)"自由探索"的局限以及管理學(xué)派形成的模式化等,作者提出了管理理論發(fā)展亟需進(jìn)一步思考的問(wèn)題.
This paper discusses and expounds the problem-orientated theory for the management theory development which proposed by Sheng Zhaohan in the paper "Problem Orientation: Driving force of management theory development". The author believes that "problem orientation"contributes to the development of management theory to be down-to-earth,calmly confronts the challenges of complex problems,restores the original intention of the mathematization of management problems,and at the same time breaks the bulwark of the subjects and achieves theoretical breakthroughs. For the "Interdisciplinary"issue of management theory development,the author believes that cognitive misunderstandings and disciplinary barriers should be eliminated. For the potential issues that caused by "problem orientation",such as the "instrumentalization"of theoretical research,the limitation of"free exploration"and the formation of stereotypes in management school,the author puts forward some problems that need further consideration in the development of management theory.

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