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圖書與情報 頁數(shù): 9 2019-06-25
摘要: 智庫文件是智庫知識的重要載體,文件管控不僅服務(wù)于智庫內(nèi)部知識管理需求,也為智庫運營賦能。本文通過對我國部分新型智庫的一線工作者進行調(diào)研訪談,以智庫文件利用管理的相關(guān)現(xiàn)狀為分析基礎(chǔ),并結(jié)合智庫自身特性,構(gòu)建了面向內(nèi)部利用的智庫文件管控框架,主要由文件管理的基本流程,以及治理、管理者、技術(shù)和全過程控制四方面控制要素構(gòu)成,為推動該框架的應(yīng)用,智庫需增強文件管控意識、重視智庫文件管控的頂層設(shè)計、推動智庫信息管理系統(tǒng)的建設(shè)及創(chuàng)新智庫管理的體制機制,從這四個關(guān)鍵路徑著手提升文件管控的效力。
Think tank records are main carriers of the knowledge of think tanks. Record management & control(RMC)not only serves the internal knowledge management of think tanks, but also empower the operation of think tanks. Based on the investigation and interview with front-line workers from Chinese think tanks, this paper analyzes the relevant status of utilization management of records in think tanks, and puts forward the RMC framework for think tank internal utilization--including the basic process of record management, and the control elements of governance, manager, technology and the whole process--by combining the characteristics of the new think tanks. To promote the application of the framework and to improve the effectiveness of RMC, the new think tanks should enhance the awareness of the RMC, attach importance to the top level design of the RMC of think tanks, promote the construction of the think tank information management system, innovate the management mechanism of think tanks.

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