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圖書館工作與研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-07-23 13:42
摘要: 在特色智庫知識保障復雜系統(tǒng)中,由于諸多因素綜合作用的影響,不可避免地會產(chǎn)生各種現(xiàn)實與潛在的風險與隱患,直接或間接地導致特色智庫知識保障的失效或偏差。本文在系統(tǒng)梳理國內(nèi)外智庫知識保障現(xiàn)實狀況的基礎(chǔ)上,提出建立特色智庫知識保障風險防范與規(guī)避路徑的思想;從深入挖掘知識保障內(nèi)在規(guī)律與瓶頸、精準解析知識保障相關(guān)要素與關(guān)系、全面開展知識保障風險識別與評估、強力構(gòu)建知識保障風險防范與規(guī)避機制、創(chuàng)新驅(qū)動知識保障內(nèi)涵式縱深發(fā)展等五大方面,對特色智庫知識保障風險防范與規(guī)避的路徑選擇進行了系統(tǒng)闡釋。
In the complex knowledge security system of characteristic think tanks,due to the combined effect of many factors,there will inevitably be various risks and potential risks,which directly or indirectly lead to the failure or deviation of the knowledge security of characteristic think tanks.On the basis of systematically combing the actual situation of think tank knowledge security at home and abroad,the ideas of establishing the risk prevention and avoidance path for the knowledge security of the characteristic think tank are put forward.From the deep mining of knowledge security internal rules and bottlenecks,accurate analysis of knowledge security factors and relations,comprehensive knowledge security risk identification and assessment,strong knowledge security risk prevention and avoidance mechanisms,and innovation-driven knowledge security in-depth development,etc.A systematic explanation of the path selection for the prevention and avoidance of the knowledge security risk of characteristic think tanks was conducted.

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