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中國(guó)人民大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 頁(yè)數(shù): 9 2019-07-16
摘要: 基于傳統(tǒng)等級(jí)制組織模式所導(dǎo)致的人的異化、效率自反、民主悖論等弊端,當(dāng)代組織觀呈現(xiàn)出向人性化、分權(quán)化、有機(jī)化和過(guò)程化轉(zhuǎn)變的態(tài)勢(shì)。人和組織應(yīng)是一種相互構(gòu)建、共同進(jìn)化的關(guān)系;任何簡(jiǎn)單劃一的集權(quán)或分權(quán)都不能實(shí)現(xiàn)管理控制的目標(biāo),而需要在集權(quán)和分權(quán)之間取得最佳平衡。當(dāng)今組織雖然存在從"傳統(tǒng)"向"現(xiàn)代"的轉(zhuǎn)型,但由于具體情況的不同,廣泛多樣的組織形式依然會(huì)繼續(xù)存在。從過(guò)程哲學(xué)的視角看,不應(yīng)將組織僅僅視為一種"結(jié)構(gòu)",而更應(yīng)視為一個(gè)"過(guò)程"來(lái)思考和運(yùn)作。組織變革成功的關(guān)鍵問(wèn)題在于:恰當(dāng)處理利益糾葛,正確引導(dǎo)組織學(xué)習(xí),克服組織文化的慣性,等等。
Based on the defects of alienation,efficiency and democratic paradox caused by the traditional hierarchical organizational model,the contemporary view of organization shows the trend of transforming into humanizing,decentralizing,organizing and proceduring.On the basis of describing the trend of change,this paper mainly points out that human beings and organizations should be in a relationship of mutual construction and co-evolution,and that no simple centralization or decentralization can achieve the goal of management control,there is a need to strike the best balance between centralization and decentralization;Due to the different circumstances,while there is a transition from"traditional"to"modern",the contemporary organization will continue to exist in a wide variety of forms.From the point of view of process philosophy,organization should not be regarded as a structure,but as a"process"to think about and operate;the key to the success of organizational change lies in dealing with conflicts of interest and guiding the organization to learn properly,overcoming the inertia of organizational culture,etc.

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