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中國(guó)人力資源開(kāi)發(fā) 頁(yè)數(shù): 27 2019-07-10
摘要: 助人行為是組織公民行為的一種典型類(lèi)型,因其在組織中產(chǎn)生的積極作用而受到了理論界和實(shí)踐界的廣泛重視。不過(guò),新近研究發(fā)現(xiàn)助人行為也可能對(duì)施助者產(chǎn)生負(fù)面影響。針對(duì)此問(wèn)題,本文首先從助人行為的概念出發(fā),澄清其負(fù)面影響產(chǎn)生的可能原因,繼而厘清了助人行為對(duì)施助者帶來(lái)的不同效果,并從施助者視角分析其負(fù)面影響的可能來(lái)源?;谫Y源保存理論、自我損耗理論、道德許可理論和工作-家庭資源模型,闡述助人行為對(duì)施助者負(fù)面影響的內(nèi)在機(jī)制,并進(jìn)一步從個(gè)體、團(tuán)隊(duì)和組織層面分析助人行為負(fù)面影響的邊界條件。最后,提出未來(lái)的研究方向和建議。
Helping behavior is a typical type of organizational citizenship behavior, which has been widely valued by both researchers and employers because of its positive role in the organization. Recent studies have found that helping behavior may also have a negative impact on helpers. This paper first clarified the possible causes of its negative impact from the conceptualization of helping behavior, and then clarified the different effects of helping behavior on helpers. The sources of its negative impact from the actor's perspective were presented. Building on conservation of resources theory, self-depletion theory, moral licensing theory and work-family model, we explicated the underlying mechanisms that helping behavior exerts negative impact on helpers and proposed the boundary conditions at individual, team and organizational levels. Finally, implications and suggestions for future research were discussed.

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