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中國人力資源開發(fā) 頁數(shù): 18 2019-07-10
摘要: 正念源自東方佛教,如今被引入組織管理研究領(lǐng)域,成為新興研究熱點。正念訓練具備改善員工心理健康、提升團隊合作效率等應(yīng)用價值,在組織管理上有著重要的實踐意義,但在國內(nèi)組織管理領(lǐng)域并未完全引起重視。本研究歸納了國內(nèi)外正念研究成果,以此為基礎(chǔ),從個體、團隊和組織三個層次細分了正念的基本概念。通過對不同層面正念的區(qū)分,對現(xiàn)有的測量工具進行系統(tǒng)性總結(jié),并在此基礎(chǔ)上歸納了正念在工作場所中的影響效果和形成機制,最后提出一個正念的研究框架。未來研究可以針對概念、測量、邊界條件、負面效果和作用機理等方面做進一步的探索。
Originated from eastern Buddhism, mindfulness has been introduced into the field of organizational management and become a new research hotspot. Mindfulness training has the application value of improving employees' mental health and enhancing team cooperation efficiency, indicating that mindfulness has important practical implication for organizational management. However, the topic of mindfulness in the field of organizational management has been overlooked in China. To address this issue, this study summarizes the current state of mindfulness research at home and abroad. In this study, the basic concepts of mindfulness is introduced from three levels: individual, team and organization. Through making a distinction among different levels of mindfulness, the existing measurement tools are systematically summarized. Moreover, the consequences and its underlying mechanisms of mindfulness are summarized. Finally, a research framework of mindfulness is proposed. Future research on mindfulness can pay attention to the issue related to concept, measurement, boundary conditions, negative effects and underlying mechanisms.

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