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情報(bào)雜志 頁(yè)數(shù): 9 2019-06-11 09:30
摘要: [目的/意義]資金作為社會(huì)智庫(kù)運(yùn)行的"血液",其多寡和來源是否穩(wěn)定將直接影響社會(huì)智庫(kù)的生存與發(fā)展。研究籌資能力及其影響因素將為社會(huì)智庫(kù)進(jìn)一步發(fā)展提供有益借鑒。[方法/過程]基于國(guó)內(nèi)外權(quán)威智庫(kù)評(píng)價(jià)指標(biāo)體系構(gòu)建了籌資能力指標(biāo)體系,通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)搜集到147家社會(huì)智庫(kù),采用無放回抽樣方法確定21個(gè)樣本。通過描述性統(tǒng)計(jì)、因子分析測(cè)算了社會(huì)智庫(kù)籌資能力,采用信度分析檢驗(yàn)了指標(biāo)有效性,通過逐步回歸分析了社會(huì)智庫(kù)籌資能力的影響因素。[結(jié)果/結(jié)論]研究發(fā)現(xiàn),社會(huì)智庫(kù)籌資能力整體較弱,且存在分化現(xiàn)象,人際關(guān)系在籌資中依然占主導(dǎo)地位,資金渠道單一且供給不足,亟需拓寬籌資渠道,完善內(nèi)部籌資機(jī)構(gòu)來提升籌資能力。
[Purpose/Significance]As the "blood" of the operation of social think tanks, the amount and source of funds will directly affect the survival and development of social think tanks. Studying the financing ability and its influencing factors will provide useful reference for the further development of social think tanks. [Method/Process]Based on the evaluation index system of authoritative think tanks at home and abroad, the index system of financing capacity was constructed. 147 social think tanks were collected through the network, and 21 samples were determined by non-return sampling method. Through descriptive statistics and factor analysis, the fund-raising ability of social think tanks is estimated, the reliability analysis is used to test the effectiveness of the indicators, and the factors influencing the fund-raising ability of social think tanks are analyzed by stepwise regression.[Result/Conclusion]The research finds that the financing capacity of social think tanks is weak as a whole, and there is a phenomenon of differentiation. Interpersonal relationship still plays a dominant role in financing. The financing channels are single and insufficient. It is urgent to broaden the financing channels and improve the internal financing institutions to enhance the financing capacity.

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