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南京社會科學 頁數(shù): 7 2019-07-15
摘要: 現(xiàn)代組織中強調"合理化"的制度、技術、控制等一系列機械的管理模式,對員工行為和思維造成某種程度的壓制和奴役,使員工處于一種本性異化和精神禁錮的被動狀態(tài)和困境之中。根源于歐洲學術傳統(tǒng)的組織社會學提出發(fā)掘個體能動性的組織行動者概念,為分析組織員工的真實行動邏輯和提升工作場所精神性提供了一種新的理論視角。后工業(yè)社會的管理實踐,正在從剝離了員工主體性的工具理性向能夠賦予員工以意義感、互聯(lián)感及內心體驗等精神性的方向轉化,儒家的治理思想可以有力地支撐這一組織轉向。本文基于儒家文化背景,深入探討了員工個體在儒家"內圣外王"的倫理機制干預下,利用自身的行動能力內外并重所建構的工作場所精神性運作機理,對組織中的員工增進和滿足其情感需求、精神救贖及工作意義感具有重要的現(xiàn)實意義。
Modern organizations have an emphasize on a series of mechanical management modes,such as the "rationalization"system,technology and control,resulting in the suppression and enslavement of employees' behavior and thinking in some way and then putting employees in a passive state and predicament of alienation of nature and mental imprisonment. Organizational sociology that roots in European academic tradition puts forward the concept of organizational actors to explore individual initiative,providing a new theoretical perspective for analyzing the real logic of action of organizational employees and promoting the spirituality of the workplace. The management practice of post-industrial society is changing from the instrumental rationality stripping the subjectivity of employees to the spiritual direction endowing employees with a sense of significance,interconnection and inner experience. Confucian governance thought can strongly support this organizational shift. Based on the Confucian cultural background,this paper probes deeply into the spiritual operation mechanism of workplace constructed by individual employees who utilize internal and external action abilities under the intervention of the ethical mechanism of "Internal sanctity and External kingliness",which has an important practical significance to the promotion and satisfaction of emotional needs,spiritual salvation and sense of work of employees in organization.

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