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江蘇行政學院學報 頁數: 9 2019-05-20
摘要: 工業(yè)社會的生產關系是建立在分工—協作基礎上的,或者說,主要表現為分工—協作關系。這種生產關系導致了社會的分裂,也導致了人的自我的分裂。在組織的運行中,則導致了縱向的層級和橫向的崗位邊界明晰化,是把組織成員先隔離開來,然后再對他們的行為加以協調。20世紀后期,特別是在全球化、后工業(yè)化運動展開的過程中,分工—協作模式出現了不適應人的行動要求的狀況。因而,無論是在宏觀的社會研究還是微觀的管理研究中,都出現了對分工—協作模式的懷疑聲音。但是,目前看來,這種懷疑聲音是非常微弱的,更不用說提出用新型的行動以及社會關系模式去取代分工—協作模式的構想了。實際上,我們正處在人的行動以及社會關系模式變革的關鍵時刻,需要我們通過創(chuàng)新去承擔起這樣一項變革的任務。
The production relationship of industrial society is based on the division of labor-collaboration, or mainly as a relationship of division of labor-collaboration. This kind of production relationship has led to the division of society and the division of human himself. In the operation of the organization, vertical hierarchy and horizontal boundaries are clarified, which is to isolate the members of the organization and then coordinate their behavior. In the late 20 th century, especially in the process of globalization and post-industrialization, the division of labor-collaboration model showed a situation that did not meet the requirements of human actions. Therefore, whether in macroscopic social research or microscopic management research, there is a suspicion of the division of labor-collaboration model. However, it seems that this suspicion is very weak, not to mention the idea of replacing the division of labor-collaboration model with new types of actions and social relation models. In fact, we are at a critical moment in changing the actions of people and the transformation of social relations patterns, and we need to undertake the task of such a change through innovation.

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