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中國科學(xué)院院刊 頁數(shù): 12 2019-07-20
摘要: 在推進國家治理體系和治理能力現(xiàn)代化的進程中,智庫的重要作用日益突顯。智庫研究問題由于其綜合交叉的特征,表現(xiàn)為不同規(guī)模的研究問題,其研究過程在遵循智庫DIIS (收集信息—揭示信息—綜合研判—形成方案,Data-Information-Intelligence-Solution)理論一般和共性方法的同時,又有各自不同的關(guān)鍵要素與環(huán)節(jié)。把握這些關(guān)鍵要素與環(huán)節(jié),形成不同規(guī)模DIIS方法,可以為個人、研究組、研究團隊開展智庫問題研究提供有效的工具和方法。為此,文章從交叉性、關(guān)聯(lián)性和復(fù)雜性角度,深入分析大規(guī)模、中規(guī)模、小規(guī)模智庫問題的特征,形成智庫問題規(guī)模的劃分流程;其次,基于DIIS理論,分別提出解決大規(guī)模、中規(guī)模和小規(guī)模智庫問題的智庫DIIS方法,并剖析三者間的相互關(guān)系;最后,針對不同規(guī)模的智庫問題,給出相應(yīng)的智庫報告DIIS寫作規(guī)范,以期保證智庫研究的規(guī)范性與高質(zhì)量,更好地發(fā)揮智庫的作用。
In the process of advancing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, the important role of think tanks becomes increasingly prominent. Because of the comprehensive crossover characteristics of think tank research problem,it manifested as different scale research problems. The research process follows the general and common methods of the think-tank DataInformation-Intelligence-Solution(DIIS) theory, and has different key elements and steps. Grasping these key elements and steps and forming different scale DIIS methods can provide effective tools and methods for individuals, research groups and research teams to investigate the think tank research problems. From the perspective of crossing, relevance, and complexity, this study analyzes the characteristics of largescale, medium-scale, and small-scale think tank problems, and develops the process of dividing the scale of think tank problems. Secondly,large-scale, medium-scale, and small-scale think tank DIIS methods are proposed based on the DIIS theory, and the relationships of them are investigated. Finally, the DIIS writing specifications of think tanks of different scales are developed in order to ensure the normative and high quality of think tank research and to better play the role of think tank.

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