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管理科學(xué)學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 13 2019-03-15
摘要: 人們對管理從"簡單的"向"復(fù)雜的"認(rèn)知,開始于感性直覺上的體驗,并逐漸向揭示本質(zhì)屬性的理性思維深化.本文基于現(xiàn)代科學(xué)技術(shù)體系的層次框架,構(gòu)建了系統(tǒng)科學(xué)與管理科學(xué)各自標(biāo)識性概念之間的相互映射.在系統(tǒng)科學(xué)思維下,系統(tǒng)性是一切管理活動的屬性,任何管理活動既是系統(tǒng)的實踐,也是實踐的系統(tǒng).隨著人類社會的發(fā)展,管理實踐與本質(zhì)屬性在整體上均呈現(xiàn)出從系統(tǒng)性到復(fù)雜性的演變趨勢.復(fù)雜整體性已是各種復(fù)雜管理形態(tài)的重要起因和深刻內(nèi)涵,這是在當(dāng)今管理領(lǐng)域?qū)崿F(xiàn)多學(xué)科融合,破解復(fù)雜性難題重要的實踐邏輯與理論邏輯.
People's cognition about management is a process from"simple"to"complex",beginning in perceptual and intuitive experience,then gradually developing into rational thought of revealing the essential attribute. On the basis of hierarchical framework of modern science and technology system,the mutual mappings between the key concepts in system science and the ones in management science are built. Under the systematological thinking,systematicness is an attribute of all management activities. Any management activity is not only a systematic practice,but also a practical system. With the development of human society,management practice and essential attributes are showing an overall evolution trend from systematism to complexity. Complex integrity becomes the important cause and profound connotation of various types of complex management,which is the significant practical and theoretic logic to realize the amalgamation of multi-discipline and solve complex problems in management field.

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