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管理科學(xué)學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 10 2019-04-15
摘要: 管理理論的時代性是理論對管理的時代特征和重大問題的深度關(guān)切與回應(yīng),管理理論的時代化是管理理論能夠隨時代發(fā)展而與時俱進的能力屬性.時代性是管理理論的生命表征,時代化則是管理理論的鮮活度,時代性與時代化的統(tǒng)一構(gòu)成了管理理論的基本品格.管理理論的時代化和中國化是管理學(xué)在中國實踐與發(fā)展中的兩種基本形式.時代化是普遍原理,中國化是時代化在中國的具體形態(tài),是管理理論在中國發(fā)展的現(xiàn)實道路.時代化通過中國化走向中國管理實踐;中國管理實踐與理論的發(fā)展又促進和推動了理論的時代化,并以此融入人類先進的管理理論文明之中,這既是中國管理的基本現(xiàn)實,又是中國管理理論的發(fā)展道路.
Epochal nature of theoretical character is the theory's deep concern for and response to epoch features and vital issues in management. Modernization of theoretical character is the management theory's ability property of developing and keeping pace with the time. Epochal nature is the life representation of management theory,and modernization is the freshness of management theory. The unity of epochal nature and modernization constitutes the basic character of management theory. Modernization and sinicization of management theory are two basic forms of Chinese management theory's practice and development. Modernization is universal tenet,sinicization is the concrete form of modernization and the way of management theory development in China. Modernization moves towards Chinese management practice through sinicization. Chinese management practice and the development of theory advance and actuate the modernization of theory,and that is integrated into advanced civilization of management theory. It is the basic reality and the development orientation of Chinese management.

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