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外國經(jīng)濟(jì)與管理 頁數(shù): 12 2019-06-20
摘要: 傳統(tǒng)情緒研究主要聚焦于個(gè)體層次,沒有進(jìn)一步分析和回答復(fù)雜環(huán)境下組織層次的"情緒能力"相關(guān)問題。組織情緒能力是組織層次情緒能力和情緒構(gòu)面組織能力研究的新型主題,具體表現(xiàn)為認(rèn)同動(dòng)態(tài)性、和諧動(dòng)態(tài)性、體驗(yàn)動(dòng)態(tài)性、游戲動(dòng)態(tài)性、表達(dá)動(dòng)態(tài)性、鼓舞動(dòng)態(tài)性六個(gè)層面。本文通過文獻(xiàn)梳理,首先在分析了組織情緒能力的形成、概念內(nèi)涵、結(jié)構(gòu)與測量基礎(chǔ)上,從資源視角、情緒視角與刺激—反應(yīng)視角闡釋其理論基礎(chǔ);其次,基于前置要素、后效變量及邊界條件三方面內(nèi)容構(gòu)建了一個(gè)組織情緒能力整合分析框架;最后,對未來研究方向進(jìn)行了展望。
The existing studies, focused on emotion at the individual level, are inadequate to explore the effect of emotional capability at the organizational level, especially on the analysis under different circumstances. According to AET(Affective-Event-Theory), triggered by specific events,organizational emotions can influence employees' attitude and behavior, and form the "event-emotionattitude-behavior-performance" cycle chain. Some studies claim that although emotion is an internal psychological experience, it has characteristics of both psychology and sociology, and significantly impacts not only on employees but on organizations, and employees' organizational assumptions and judgements can also be influenced consequently. Recently, international attention has been paid to the concept of organizational emotional capacity based on organizational emotional governance, including dynamics of reconciliation, dynamics of experiencing, dynamics of identification, dynamics of playfulness, dynamics of display freedom and dynamics of encouragement. This paper systematically reviews the previous studies on organizational emotional capability in the following respects: Firstly, it introduces the formation, conceptual connotation and measurement methods of organizational emotional capability. Emotional capability in organizational settings is defined as an organizational capability to perceive, understand, monitor, adjust and utilize organizational emotions, and to guide and reflect organizational emotions in the organizational structure, routines and processes. Organizational emotional capability mainly includes six dimensions, namely dynamics of experiencing, reconciling, identification,encouragement, displaying freedom and playfulness, and these emotional dynamics demonstrate different emotional interactions, cognitive modes and behavioral patterns among employees. Secondly, it expounds the theoretical basis of organizational emotional capability. At present, domestic and foreign scholars have carried out the empirical study of emotional capability based on the following perspective:the perspective of resource, the perspective of emotion, and the perspective of stimulus-response. In this study, the perspective of resource is made up of the resource-based theory and the conservation of resource theory; the perspective of emotion is composed of the affective event theory and the emotional capability theory; and the perspective of stimulus-response is composed of the stimulus-organismresponse theory. Again, the antecedent and outcome variables of organizational emotional capability are analyzed and summarized in this study. In the end, the future directions in emotional capability research are prospected.

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