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外國經(jīng)濟與管理 頁數(shù): 16 2019-06-20
摘要: 組織透明成為人文社科領域炙手可熱的研究主題之一,在深度和廣度方面均被不斷推進。遵循系統(tǒng)文獻綜述法,整合不同研究視角的組織透明文獻,對拓展相關(guān)研究具有重要的意義。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):內(nèi)涵界定存在工具論(信息披露觀和社交互動觀)和倫理論兩大派系,其中工具論把組織透明當做自我調(diào)節(jié)的一種管理手段,倫理論則認為組織透明是展示誠實、真誠和美德的一種管理實踐;透明前因包括信息特征、組織特性、利益相關(guān)者特征和外部環(huán)境四大類,并在組織—利益相關(guān)者互動過程中分別影響組織透明意愿的動機觸發(fā)和組織透明實現(xiàn)的產(chǎn)生條件;組織透明帶來的影響涉及組織自身和利益相關(guān)者的"雙刃劍"效應,均存在"利之刃"和"傷之刃"兩種內(nèi)在矛盾機制。最后,展望了未來的研究方向。
Based on the literature review, our findings are the following conclusions: Firstly,organizational transparency can be conceptualized from instrumentalism(including the informationdisclosing view and the social-process view) and ethicism. Instrumentalism regards organization transparency as a tool of self regulation, whereas the latter holds that organization transparency is a kind of management practice that embodies honesty, sincerity and virtue. The two highlight the difference between looking-out and seeing-in. Organizational transparency can be classified according to the transparent subject, object and degree separately, and there exist objective and subjective methods to measure the construct. Secondly, the antecedents include information characteristics, organizational characteristics, stakeholder characteristics and external environment. These four categories respectively impact the motivation to trigger the intention of organizational transparency and the conditions of organizational transparency realization in the process of organizational-stakeholder interaction. It is the joint influence of these factors that lead to the weak links between declared transparency, actual transparency and perceived transparency. Meanwhile, both the organization and its stakeholders are active agents to achieve organizational transparency. Thirdly, organization transparency is a doubleedged sword, with advantages and disadvantages for the organization and its stakeholders. For the organization itself, the mechanism of "edge of blade" is to eliminate uncertainty with information symmetry, to gain trust by credibility display and to improve efficiency by reduce complexity. However,the mechanism of "edge of injury" is mainly based on the complexity of transparent objects, the increasing of external interference and the conflict of interests between the organization and its stakeholders. For internal stakeholders, organizational transparency has an impact through the "edge of blade" of incentive function(trust and fairness) and the "edge of injury" of comparative psychology among colleagues. For external stakeholders, organizational transparency exerts an impact through the"edge of blade" of symmetrical information and the "edge of injury" of the conflict of interests among stakeholders. Finally, many agendas remain to be further studied in future as follows: to develop the scale to measure organizational transparency; to investigate how the heterogeneity among stakeholders affects organizational transparency; to interpret how organizational transparency affects stakeholders; to reveal the contingency conditions for the consequences of organizational transparency; to study the dynamic process of organizational transparency; and to probe into the characteristics, logic and management mode of organizational transparency in the internet era.

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