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人民論壇·學(xué)術(shù)前沿 頁數(shù): 4 2019-06-12
摘要: 伴隨工作事務(wù)精細(xì)化程度的提升和科學(xué)績效考核方式的廣泛采用,以及日益激烈的發(fā)展競爭,組織及其成員都面臨著多元化的工作壓力。而壓力傳導(dǎo)卻始終貫穿整個組織領(lǐng)導(dǎo)工作,不僅能夠有效傳遞工作任務(wù)目標(biāo),激發(fā)成員的工作熱情,而且還能營造競爭性的組織氛圍。進(jìn)一步審視可發(fā)現(xiàn):壓力傳導(dǎo)能夠引發(fā)正向和負(fù)向的雙重激勵效應(yīng),對組織發(fā)展起著促進(jìn)或抑制的作用。為此,理應(yīng)發(fā)揮恰當(dāng)壓力傳導(dǎo)作用,積極構(gòu)建"激勵型"的壓力傳導(dǎo)機(jī)制。既要科學(xué)甄別組織成員的抗壓能力,有效設(shè)計組織壓力適度分流程序,同時也要建立高效的壓力激勵價值評估機(jī)制。
With the more refined work affairs, the widespread use of scientific performance appraisal methods, and the increasingly fierce development competition, organizations and their members are facing diversified work pressures. However,pressure conduction runs through the whole organizational leadership work. It can not only effectively convey the objectives of work tasks and stimulate the enthusiasm of members, but also create a competitive organizational atmosphere. Further examination shows that pressure conduction can produce both positive and negative incentive effects, and play a role in promoting or inhibiting organizational development. Therefore, we should let pressure conduction play an appropriate role and actively construct an "incentive" pressure conduction mechanism. It is necessary to scientifically screen the members' ability to resist pressure, effectively design the appropriate procedure of releasing organizational pressure, and at the same time establish an efficient evaluation mechanism of pressure-based incentives.

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