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科技管理研究 頁數(shù): 6 2019-12-10
摘要: 基礎(chǔ)研究是提升創(chuàng)新能力的重要手段,由政府投資的基礎(chǔ)研究項目參與主體利益目標(biāo)不一致等引發(fā)沖突問題不容忽視?;诘谌狡眯畔?應(yīng)用沖突分析理論的沖突分析圖模型(GMCR)方法構(gòu)建分析模型,模擬基礎(chǔ)研究項目決策主體沖突狀態(tài)的演變與解決機制,通過穩(wěn)定性求解,分析政府、高校和科研院所、企業(yè)等決策主體在不同偏好情境下,在沖突中的個體穩(wěn)定性和全局穩(wěn)定性。以期為基礎(chǔ)研究項目的多主體沖突問題提供解決思路,為政府投資基礎(chǔ)研究項目決策提供理論依據(jù)。
Fundamental research is an important means to improve the innovation ability, the conflict caused by the inconsistent interests of the participants in the fundamental research project invested by the government can not be ignored. Based on the third-party preference information, this paper uses the graph model for conflict resolution(GMCR) of conflict analysis theory to construct the analysis model, simulates the evolution and resolution mechanism of the conflict state of the decision-making subject in the research and development process of the fundamental research projects, and analyzes the individual stability and global stability of the conflict among the decision-making subjects such as the government, colleges and universities, scientific research institutes and enterprises under different preference situations. The research aims to provide solutions to the multi-agent conflict problem of the fundamental research projects, and to provide the theoretical basis for the decision-making of the fundamental research projects invested by the government.

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