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外國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)與管理 頁(yè)數(shù): 23 2019-12-20
摘要: 復(fù)雜系統(tǒng)視角強(qiáng)調(diào)反化約主義、動(dòng)態(tài)演化、非線性、涌現(xiàn)和自組織等核心觀點(diǎn),并綜合多學(xué)科的理論假設(shè),為群體行動(dòng)和制度演化提供了一般性解釋框架。復(fù)雜系統(tǒng)視角下的治理機(jī)制要求管理者超越一般的管控思維,通過多元治理機(jī)制使系統(tǒng)穩(wěn)定、高效,又能不斷演化以適應(yīng)外界環(huán)境的變化。本文以復(fù)雜理論整合已有理論文獻(xiàn)和經(jīng)典研究,剖析組織理論演進(jìn)的內(nèi)在邏輯,構(gòu)建復(fù)雜系統(tǒng)視角的組織研究框架。復(fù)雜系統(tǒng)的組織研究框架是能動(dòng)與結(jié)構(gòu)的整合,從而理解不同層次的系統(tǒng)特征,關(guān)注組織內(nèi)和組織間的聯(lián)系,以及關(guān)鍵節(jié)點(diǎn)的戰(zhàn)略選擇與結(jié)構(gòu)性條件的結(jié)合。本研究的貢獻(xiàn)在于:總結(jié)出組織理論中的復(fù)雜系統(tǒng)視角,提出組織研究的復(fù)雜系統(tǒng)分析框架與核心思維,為中國(guó)組織管理研究提供新的理論視角與實(shí)證研究取徑。
As a new construct spanning natural science and social science, complexity emphasizes the core ideas of anti-reductionism, dynamic evolution, non-linearity, emergence and selforganization. The complex system perspective(CSP)emphasizes the implications of the complexity theory to delineate and analyze organizational phenomena, involving technological change, business model innovation and institutional evolution. In terms of theoretical contribution, the CSP integrates multidisciplinary meta-assumptions and proffers a general framework for individual behavior, collective action and institutional change. In terms of practice, the governance mechanism derived from the CSP requires managers to go beyond the ordinary practice of management and process control. Instead, it inspires management to notice the importance of multi-collaborative governance mechanisms working together to make the system stable, efficient and able to adapt to shocks from the external environment.Based on a review of the existing literature and classic studies of the organizational theory, this paper discusses the history and development of theories concerning complex organization, in which various different concepts are adopted to enrich the CSP. The perspective of the rational system brought the concepts of rational working process and bureaucratic controls into organization management. The perspective of the natural system proposes the importance of influence, informal groups and leadership.Simon integrates these two system perspectives and open access to open system studies. The approach of the open rational system introduces us the concepts of transaction cost, organizational design, and governance mechanisms, while the open natural system introduces institutional forces and organization isomorphism. These theories together help to develop the growth of CSP, and Granovetter, in his famous book "Society and Economy", builds a theoretical framework integrating Rational and Natural System models in an open system perspective. Thus, this paper constructs a framework of organizational research employing the CSP, in which micro-level behaviors, social ties among entities, small group dynamics, larger network structures and system evolution are integrated to explain the emergence of macro-level forces. This research not only involves the frontier achievements of complex organization research, but also provides a new theoretical perspective and empirical orientation for organization and management research in China.

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