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管理科學(xué)學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 11 2019-09-15
摘要: 管理學(xué)在中國的突破有賴于中國企業(yè)的強大和企業(yè)家的實踐創(chuàng)新,也需要具有較高學(xué)識和理論構(gòu)建造詣的研究者進行理論總結(jié).管理學(xué)在中國可能從以下兩方面進行突破:一方面,借助于方法論的突破,挖掘出中國人在管理實踐中應(yīng)對復(fù)雜性問題的智慧并進行理論構(gòu)建,另一方面,提煉數(shù)字化、智能化時代多種智能并存互動的實踐,構(gòu)建出具有包容性和自反性的治理與管理架構(gòu)或機制.和諧管理的探索為此提供了例示.管理學(xué)在中國的突破是中國管理學(xué)者與實踐者對自身、對傳統(tǒng)智慧的超越,并將為世界貢獻有價值的新知識.
The breakthrough of management in China depends on the power and practical innovation of Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs,as well as the theoretical summaries by researchers with academic attainments and theorizing capacity. Management in China may make breakthroughs in the following two aspects:On the one hand, with the help of methodological breakthroughs, we should unearth the wisdom and theoretical implication of Chinese people in dealing with complex problems in management practice. On the other hand,we should refine the practice of multiple intelligences coexistence and interaction in the digital and intelligent era,and built an inclusive and reflexive governance and management architectures or mechanisms.HeXie Management research provides an example for this. The breakthrough of management in China is the self-transcendence of Chinese management scholars and practitioners and the transcendence of Chinese traditional wisdom,and will contribute new valuable knowledge to the world.

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