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情報雜志 頁數(shù): 8 2019-03-28 11:16
摘要: [目的/意義]獨立性是智庫普遍具有的根本屬性之一,還是脫離決策環(huán)境對美式智庫的一種非理性"迷思",就此問題的回答對我國智庫的現(xiàn)實發(fā)展和理論建設具有重大意義。[方法/過程]在政府主導的決策環(huán)境下,分析并比較了智庫與政府基于政策研究產(chǎn)品供需形成的零售(即智庫相對政府保持獨立)、戰(zhàn)略合作(即智庫依賴政府)和一體化(即智庫隸屬于政府)三種交易模式及其交易效率;繼而放松決策環(huán)境的限定,簡要分析不同決策體制下智庫政府關系模式的變異。[結(jié)果/結(jié)論]發(fā)現(xiàn)獨立性并非智庫的本質(zhì)屬性,只是美國式多元制衡決策體制下智庫的適應性特征。而在政府主導決策的體制背景下,智庫的獨立性不會增加其交易優(yōu)勢。
[Purpose/Significance]Is independence one of the general basic attributes of think tanks, or an irrational myth of American think tanks beyond of the decision-making context? It is of great significance to answer the question both to the practice development and theory construction of Chinese think tanks.[Method/Process]Under the circumstances of decision-making being dominated by government, based on the supply-demand of policy research products, this paper analyzes and compares three different transaction patterns which feature retail(think tanks keep independent from government), strategic cooperation(think tanks rely on government) and integration(think tanks are affiliated to government). The study then releases the constraits of the decision-making environment and analyzes briefly the variations of the government-think tanks relationship in different systems.[Result/Conclusion]It is found that independence is not the essential attribute of think tanks but an adaptive characteristic derived from the American decision-making system which features multi-subject check and balance. Under the background of decision-making system being dominated by government whereas the independence of think tanks could not enhance their advantages in the transactions.

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