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中國(guó)行政管理 頁數(shù): 10 2019-03-01
摘要: 評(píng)價(jià)屬地新型智庫參與地方治理現(xiàn)代化的有效性,完善屬地新型智庫服務(wù)公共決策的體制機(jī)制,進(jìn)而優(yōu)化屬地新型智庫對(duì)于地方治理現(xiàn)代化的效能具有重要意義。在分析新型智庫與治理現(xiàn)代化之間相互影響機(jī)理,以及確立地方治理現(xiàn)代化和屬地新型智庫評(píng)估指標(biāo)體系基礎(chǔ)上,選取我國(guó)東、中、西部中16個(gè)省市的數(shù)據(jù)作為研究樣本,運(yùn)用熵值法和灰色關(guān)聯(lián)度模型對(duì)這16個(gè)省市治理現(xiàn)代化效果和99家屬地新型智庫效果進(jìn)行評(píng)估,并結(jié)合格蘭杰因果檢驗(yàn)等模型對(duì)屬地新型智庫與地方治理現(xiàn)代化之間的影響效果進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn)。結(jié)果表明:地方治理現(xiàn)代化與屬地新型智庫的加權(quán)關(guān)聯(lián)度處于較高水平,為雙向長(zhǎng)期的因果關(guān)系;現(xiàn)階段屬地新型智庫發(fā)展均能顯著促進(jìn)治理現(xiàn)代化水平提高,供需關(guān)系也較為穩(wěn)定,兩者關(guān)系效應(yīng)呈"S"型曲線;屬地新型智庫在地方治理現(xiàn)代化水平影響下具有集群效應(yīng),其對(duì)地方經(jīng)濟(jì)治理現(xiàn)代化和生態(tài)治理現(xiàn)代化影響作用最大。
It is of great significance to enhance the effectiveness of local new think tank in participating the modernization of local governance, to improve the institutional mechanism of the new territorial think tank in serving public decision-making, and to optimize the new think tank for the efficiency of local governance modernization in the new era. Based on the analysis of the relationship between the modernization of governance and the new type of territorial think tank, this paper establishes the evaluation index system of the modernization of local governance and the new type of territorial think tank. Selecting the data of 16 typical areas in the east, middle and west of China as the research sample, the evaluation effect of these 16 local governance modernization modes and the 99 new type of territorial think tanks are obtained by using entropy value method and gray correlation degree model. Then, we also combine Granger causality test of the impact of the new think tank on the modernization of local governance. The results show that the weighted incidence degree between new type of territorial think tank and modernization of local governance is at a high level, with two-way causality.At the present stage, the development of this new type of territorial think tank can significantly promote the modernization of local governance, which provides a relatively stable supply and demand relationship between them. The context effects between new type of territorial think tank and modernization of local governance present a "S" curve. Moreover, the new type of territorial think tank has a cluster effect under the influence of the modernization of local governance, and it has the largest influence on the modernization of local economic governance and the modernization of local ecological governance.

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